After sushi, the boyfriend was feeling he promptly lay down on the sofa and fell asleep. Two hours later I looked over at him and who was sitting in his lap? Meow Cat was! I was jealous but thought it was cute so I took a photograph.

Then, a few hours later, I sprawled myself out on the couch to do some reading...and who oh so gently (ie with a thud) landed in my lap? Meow Cat! She purred and purred and sat on my chest and it was the first time she has done this in many months. I think she may have forgiven me for anything I have ever done. Sigh of relief.
A case of love the one you're near!
you know who this is.
I'm glad Young MC is back!
And why does T.B. always sleep like that, with his arms crossed over his chest like he's dead or something?
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