Thursday, September 01, 2005

Chicago City Scape

Last night I went to a Tori Amos concert with three of my neighbors. I am not actually all that into Tori but thought it was nice to be invited and a good opportunity to make friends. It took place at the Jay Pritzker Pavilion, an outdoor venue designed by Frank Gehry. The pavilion, supposedly, has the most state of the art acoustics anywhere. In other words what you hear in the last little patch of lawn is what you hear in the first row of seats.

I had a good time. The only downer being the crazy Tori fans sitting nearby who kept on shooshing us and giving us the evil eye for talking during Tori's performance...Silly, rabid Tori fans.

Tomorrow my first writing class. Yips.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mothering Magazine says Cartoon Network's Tickle U isn't funny
In a previous post on Blogging Baby, Stefania reported the new group of shows launched by Cartoon Network to promote a sense of humor in children.
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