I do like my bed, I do indeed. This photograph was taken two Saturdays ago, I think. I made my bed and cleaned my room and it looked very nice for about three days. Now it's back to clutter (though minus three boxes I finally brought down to the basement). I just got out of bed, actually, due to the fact that I'm feeling a little sickly. All achey in the lower back, shoulders and head...low grade/hardly existent fever. How I wish I had someone to make me soup, rub my back and get me ice cream. I'm not really that sick, I could pull myself together and make my own soup and get myself my own ice cream...and if I was patient, and Zul was smarter, I could train the cat to walk on my back. Tomorrow I have a day off from work and I am resolved to go somewhere, even though I'm not flush with cash and feel ooky. I have some ideas, but we'll have to see what happens.
If I could be a smarter Zul and make you excellent, nuanced chicken soup, fetch ice cream and walk on your back, I'd do it!
Hope you feel better, lady.
mmm nuanced soup.
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