Yesterday I did make one foray out into the world...three actually but of the three this is the only one in which I was successful. I took a little walk. I came across this community garden. It was pretty.

Right after I took this photograph a man walking towards me suggested that he could eat my pussy.

Which was strange since I had just been thinking that of all the things in the world that Zul might like, being eaten by a 20 something black man in mid-90s tee shirt and running pants in Philadelphia was probably his #1 goal. It's like the guy was a mind reader or something!

Well, I did exactly what I shouldn't have done. I drove to the event. Half way there I realized I hadn't remembered to get the camera (and how would I manage if I didn't have a camera?). Parking was stupid. And so I gave up and went home. Zul has been a regular pukefest for the last twenty four hours which, one might guess, concerns me. I've scheduled a vet appointment for later today. How he could have been healthy just last week and now unhealthy is beyond me but, with the whole Meow Cat experience always in my mind, I have decided to err on the side of crazy worry. Some things I, as a not vet person, think might be the problem:
1) That two days of being drugged in a car with not as much food or water as he's used to has made his stomach shrink and so now every time he eats he gulps it down (which isn't even entirely true) and then his stomach doesn't like it.
2) The stress of being in a new place is giving him anxiety attacks.
3) The vaccines he got in Tennessee coupled with the drugs and the stress have wonked out his system entirely.
4) He managed to eat something in this apartment he shouldn't have and now his intestines are slowly shutting down.
5) Asbestos?
6) Lack of large quantities of fresh air (there are windows with screens and the balcony has a screen too but I'm terrified that he would suddenly think it was a good idea to lean on or push these screens thus falling 17 floors to his death).
I'm feeling a little defeated.
Welcome to Philadelphia!
Hmm... agree the vet is a good idea.
I find in times of stomach upset, probiotics can be useful for feline stomachs as well as human ones. You can buy cat probiotics, they come in little packets of powder you put in their food. It tastes good and almost always takes care of nausea I find. Ask your vet about it. Poor baby.
Well I am thinking Zul did not like the idea of being eaten by a 20 something of any ilk in Phillydelphia.
Stress, car sickness hidden by drugs, different water...
Good idea to go to the vet.
Cousinly wedding was lovely, ceremony about 35 seconds long, officiant, bride and groom reciting bits of Shakespeare. Procession through the park of four or five bridesmaids in pale blue and then lovely bride and doting dad was longer than the service. Gorgeous day, clear, breezy, soft.
Formal dinner for 150. Wow. J in her sundress sat at a mixed cousin table, cousins on my branch (making them technically old farts) and cousins on your and her branch, some with offspring for the next branch. She had fun. I sat at a table full of lawyers all already friends all belonging to the groom's side. I appreciated the thought but if asked would have had more fun with all the cousins. I found a lovely black and white cocktail sheath, sleeveless, and a cool pair of tiny shoes with tiny straps and tiny heels. We all so totally rocked.
J took pix of cute waiters and cute boys in the groom's world and told them with a straight face that these were going onto a food blog. Methinks yours. So help me. And she took pix of the cake. Maybe she can send them to you...But I laughed out loud at the idea of her telling these cute high school aged banquet waiter boys to smile, they were gonna be posted...
All will be fine in your world. Really.
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