We'll see. This pair came from one of the people my mother sent her letter on to. I had thought they had just been friends way back when, but it seems my mother has quite the rough and tumble past...I'm guessing Altamont may have saved both of these women's lives. This is what her note said (she spelled my name wrong):
Hi cc,
As you no doubt know, your mother and I were Hell's Angels together in Junior High (="middle school").
So this whole thing is rather cheesy and not at all something I would start. But getting packages in the mail is always fun...as are socks with fuzzy baby chickens on them...I sent a pair of socks with monkeys and bananas. The end.
Well, there have been at least two breakdowns on the funky socks road,but I don't think it will affect your sock receipt, as the recipients are sending you socks, just not continuing the chain.Please don't send me anymore chain letters!!
Okay. But which one are you? Are you my mom? Are you my cousin? Are you in Astoria? Are you in Maryland? Are you in graduate school at NYU?Or are you down south in NC?
Your mama.
Did you actually get 36 pairs of funky socks during the exchange? You see, the way I figure it is...there are only two people on the list you receive. You send a pair to the #1 person. You then place the #2 person in the #1 spot and yourself in the #2 spot before mailing the letter out to six people. Those six people will mail socks to the #1 person then place you in the #1 spot and mail it out to six people, right? Well, the six people who received the exchange letter with you as the #1 person (to receive the socks) will then bump you off the list to place the #2 person in the #1 spot before mailing their six copies. So, my question is...how can you receive 36 pairs of socks when you only appear in the #1 spot for six people before being bumped off the list?
to comment on what lady skorski wrote: with the funky sock exchange, you are sending your name in the number two spot to six friends. when the friends each send six letters out, your name will be in the number one spot for the others to send socks to you = 36, if they all do it. you don't get bumped off the list from the first six you mail the letter to.
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