A few weeks back some wine nighters and myself went out to the Exchequer and decided we needed to meet more of our writing compatriots in a non-class atmosphere. We decided a party was in order. Then nothing happened. Then we went out to the Exchequer again, this time with non wine nighters as well. We all decided a party was in order. I offered to have a party because I like to feed people and not worry about getting home. I sent out an email and bought chips, crackers and coffee cake and fancied myself prepared. Last night was the all writing student party and we did have some new faces grace our apartment. How do I say this? I had a really great time last night but I was a little disappointed that out of the forty plus people I sent the email to, five people came (thanks you brave five!). Whatever, it was short notice and I didn't include my address. I think everybody had a good time and that's all that matters.

Ooooh. And one
member of the party told quite an excellent story. I will try to write it down. Though I'm sure I'll mess it up.
So this friend has a friend. She's in Philadelphia getting her masters in education. Right now she's doing a rotation with the special education kids, of which a few are autistic. For a field trip she took the class to the zoo. The kids got a tour and saw all the new baby animals and such things, generally had a good time etc. Then it was time to go. The friend got all the kids on the bus, counted heads and everything when she suddenly noticed the potent smell of poop. Now this friend is thinking, 'damn, one of these kids pooped in their pants and now I'm going to clean it up', which is, I think, what anyone with any sense would think. Anyways, so she starts going down the bus aisle trying to figure out where exactly the smell is emanating when she notices a boy towards the back. The boy is rocking back and forth a little and once the friend gets closer she hears him repeating over and over again "it's not in my bag, it's not in my bag, it's not in my bag". The friend sighs, because the smell is far more noticeable right by this kid's bag, and takes the bag and opens it.
Inside the bag is a baby penguin.
No joke...it really happened...to a friend of a friend.