Wait! I forgot such an important thing. When my second faux 30th birthday party at the beach was canceled because of Hurricane Stupid Irene, this meant that I couldn't see L. or Fat T. as well as K. and J. And L. kept telling me that she had a present for me that she was going to give me at the beach, and I believed her because why would she lie. But I always get scared when someone repeatedly tells me they have a present for me because it means they're pretty excited about it, and that they think I'll be pretty excited about it. And that makes me worry that I won't be excited about it and then I'll have to feign excitement, and well you see how that might get a little weird (mainly in my brain). So when I arrived and L. ushered me towards a bag with a box in it...I didn't know what to expect. But you know what it was? It was magic times. You see, I have a bit of an obsession with a scent and wanting to smell like it but have been unable to find it for quite some time. The first brand of this smell was Eau Vert (which was probably a more pine-oriented scent than I actually remember it being), and I purchased it at a store in Takoma Park, Maryland when I was in college. Then, when that ran out, I found a similar scent at Basic French in Red Hook, New York. But when that ran out, I couldn't find anything that captured the smell I really wanted: verbena. Something not manly, but clean and citrusy without too much sweetness. Whatever, the thing about writing about smells is that it's difficult. The point is that L. knew about my ongoing quest for the right smell....and found this....and gave it to me....and it is perfect!
I'm going to put some on right now, even though I'm in full schlub/clean your room mode. Just so I can bask in its perfection and properly express gratitude to L. for a present that was most exciting and that I didn't have to fake my feelings for whatsoever. And another interesting thing is that the last time I went to Brooklyn I purchased Theme's Seashell eau de parfum...and liked it, but found it a little musky. But! When I spray a little of the theme on one wrist, and a little of the verbena on the other than gently rub together the result is pleasing. At least to me. I haven't really noted any uptick in people complimenting me on how I smell, but I can compliment myself well enough.

So all to say: Do not doubt L. when she says she has a present for you. And verbena is the bestest. Yay! Thanks.