A blog that used to chronicle my Philadelphia eating life, then life working on a sheep farm in the PNW, and now life in rural Virginia.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
The After Wedding Jaunt
After the toasts, fire juggling and a small group of us waving off new bride and groom, those of us remaining left the reception (it was over) and went to a local bar. I hadn't seen P's friend C. in years, so many years that I didn't recognize him, nor he me, so that was nice. I had seen I. at my college reunion in May for an instant or two but hadn't gotten to spend an evening with him in a while either. Also nice.
L. suffered from a headache but still managed to wear this hat for a brief spell.
It was cold.

My Latest Addiction

A while back my coworker, C., mentioned that she was reading the Twilight series of books. I knew that the series was written by a Mormon, or Jehovah's Witness or some such person and that it involved vampires. Take away the religion, and I knew these books would be right up my readerly alley. Especially when I learned that C. had the whole set! So now, I'm on the last book and I am trying very hard not to read it because I know that once I do, there won't be any more lovely vampire/werewolf stories to follow. It's the same old thing, intense, ridiculous love, heightened danger and physical prowess. Magic. You know, the usual. Not all that well written but populated with familiar character archetypes that allow you, the reader, to get real comfy real fast. Sigh. Sigh. Sigh. Whatever will I read when I'm done? I was thinking about Richard Russo's Bridge of Sighs the other day, I don't remember liking the book all that much but its main character is now popping into my head at odd moments. And I can always re-read Empire Falls while I'm at it. Or, I could go in a different direction, it may be about time to pick up John Irving's Widow For One Year again, or Margaret Atwood's Cat's Eye. Hmmm. So many books. And this post, just one long procrastination before I give up, make myself a cup of tea, wrap myself up in blankets and get on with learning how Bella and Edward and Jacob and the gang are going to end up.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
The Phillies Won!
So, eventually, you will see that I paid a little attention to the whole 'World Series'. The Phillies, by the by, won a little while ago. You'll see.
P. and C. Get Hitched

Saturday, October 25, 2008
Lackluster B.L.T.
A Day And A Little, Away
Last Saturday I drove up to Hawley, Pennsylvania to witness the nuptials of my college friend P. and his, now wife, C. It's been a warm September and early October, on the whole, so much so that I didn't even notice that fall really has been happening. The drive up, about three hours, was lovely...ah foliage and colors and wide spaces.

Once in Hawley, I checked into the Falls Port Inn. Our (my dear friend L. and I were going to share a room) original room was great, but the innkeeper realized that the previous guests hadn't left the key behind. So, we were upgraded. It was a giant room, with fireplace and king sized bed (none of the rooms had more than one bed) and a nice blue palette.
Blackberry Pie
Another trip to the farmer's market on a Thursday in the past resulted in a lovely little blackberry pie.
It made me smile, all sweet and berrrrry.
Lunch c/o Zorba's Taverna
Scrabble With the Public
Lunch c/o Mugshots
Dim Sum c/o Joy Tsin Lau, Part 2
After my shopping, I met up with my N. and his visiting friends for dim sum at Joy Tsin Lau.
The last time I ate dim sum at Joy Tsin Lau, we were put in an awkward corner at the front of the restaurant, right by a wall of dingy aquariums. At the end of the meal I realized that my purse and jacket, which had been placed on the floor, were soaked as a result of this seating. This time around we were wedged in a corner right by the water station, away from the main concourse of carts and constantly knocking elbows with one another and the waitstaff. It was not ideal. I'd like to think it wasn't because we were white, but the number of times I've been given a crap-tastic table at dim sum makes me have to consider the possibility that race is a factor. Not that there's anything wrong with that, in this case, except that it pisses me off when I need binoculaurs to see the food carts.

I hadn't been overly fond of Joy Tsin Lau's shrimp dumplings in the last go round, but this time they were great. We also ordered the amazing dumplings from the live fry cart...still meaty with a wonderful lemongrass undertone. Good all around.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Shopping, White Cats and Not Living According to Your Principles
That Saturday I had to get a few things for a wedding that I was going to be attending (that I went to just this past Saturday, actually, and I'd like to get the photos up before the wedded couple celebrates their fifth wedding anniversary but I just don't know if I can post that many blog entries in one sitting) and, unfortunately, this involved Wal-Mart. Whatever, I think Wal-Mart's evil and all, and I know I should live according to my principles...but sometimes you just want to buy something that you need, for which other places charge you $50, for $30. I'm a terrible person. This Wal-Mart is along the river (I couldn't tell you which one, the Delaware maybe?) south of South Street by a little ways, nearby is also a grocery store, an unhelpful and stupid Home Depot, and Ikea, a Target and a Marshalls. It's a regular shopping mecca, and yet at the edge of all this commerce is this river.
Old docks and factories. White cats. Birds. It's not exactly a pretty landscape but it is somehow striking. And I hardly ever see white cats, I'm not particularly fond of how they look. But that might just be because I've never met a white cat that I've liked? Enough about cats.
I think the other side of the river is New Jersey. Maybe Delaware? It looks like a pile of gravel or sand there in the distance. Is it a cement factory? I should do research on these sorts of things.
Ravioli in Marinara Sauce c/o Fairmount
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