So, yeah, I'm procrastinating. I'm procrastinating in getting into proper clothes and I'm procrastinating on going out and buying milk and cigarettes. But both of those activities are really just an insulation layer of procrastination covering the real thing which is to start packing...and calling all our different bill type people and telling them our new address. So, instead, I'm going to tell you about a bunch of things I was or was not entertained by.
Starting with The Bonfire of The Vanities by Tom Wolfe, that dandy of a mandy. I've read a number of Wolfe's books-The Right Stuff, A Man In Full, The Painted Word and I am Charlotte Simmons all come to mind. This book falls right into his style. I like Wolfe's way of doing things though I'd never want to be him. I guess what I find interesting about him is his way of describing real people...even if they have different names. The slightly pompous insights he manages to make about the rich, the poor and everything else. The way he humanizes people who do bad things or people who do good things. That is all on Wolfe.

I attempted to watch Ellie Parker the other day. But it was bad. So I stopped.

I did, however, watch Aeon Flux from beginning to end. It's got it all, Charlize in tight outfits, Frances McDormand with orange hair, a woman with hands on her feet, you know everything that really makes a movie a success. Perhaps because I expected it to be terrible I was pleasantly surprised. Is it a good movie? No. But it's not so bad.

I read An Unfinished Life a while back and when I found out it had become a movie with Jennifer Lopez, Robert Redford and Morgan Freeman I figured it might not be so bad. It wasn't so bad but all the actors seemed to deny the characters' any true amount of depth (this is often my complaint when I've read the book). Robert Redford is too Robert Redforry and Morgan Freeman's character is supposed to be disgustingly mauled by a bear but he pretty much looks like himself. Not bad but not as good as the book...imagine that.

And then there was Madonna's latest tour documentary, I'm Going To Tell You A Secret. I am a huge fan of Truth or Dare and I was definitely disappointed with this latest version of Madonna. In Truth or Dare she's shallow, petty, funny and dumb. In this latest movie she's all of those things but a little less...this is due to the extreme PREACHINESS she believes she's entitled to. It's boring to hear Madonna talk about her beliefs because she's an idiot. But Guy Ritchie comes off relatively well.

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