A blog that used to chronicle my Philadelphia eating life, then life working on a sheep farm in the PNW, and now life in rural Virginia.
Sunday, April 30, 2006
Not So Glamorous

On Wednesday I decided to make chicken. I perused countless online and offline recipes, made decisions, changed my mind, made new decisions and then finally came upon a barbeque chicken recipe I thought was worth my time. I'm going to do a Chicagoist post about it, so I'm going to just say looky here at the chicken I made.

Saturday, April 29, 2006
Happy Happy
This makes me really, really, really happy. I mean. Can't you just picture it? I can...and I laugh and laugh and laugh and feel very happy.

The Soup Comes From Star Of Siam
Tuesday afternoon the boyfriend and I went to the MCA--Museum of Contemporary Art, that is--partially because it was a good place to go and partially because I had to go for the class I'm TAing. The museum seemed rather small. My comparisons are the Beacon Dia in New York and, even though my memory is a little fuzzy, the Cincinnati (is that how you spell that city?) Museum of Contemporary Art.

You know what forget the MCA and forget the food above. Here's what just happened. I'm kind of awake because the boyfriend and my bed is friggin killing my back but I'm mostly asleep when, about half an hour ago, our buzzer buzzes. The boyfriend gets up and answers the door and it's a woman. I'm not out of bed but I can hear her. She's all out of breathy. She tells the boyfriend that she lives in the next building over in our courtyard and that her thirteen month daughter had a seizure last night and that, a number of people including one 'white lady' have helped her out but she's still twelve dollars short. Now, the boyfriend is a good person and gave her five dollars and then our house guest, who was sleeping on the couch at the time this all started, gave another ten. She thanked them both profusely and said that she'd pay them back by 1:30 at the latest.
This whole time I was thinking something to the effect of, 'that's so good that the boyfriend and houseguest aren't skeptical, I mean this is about a thirteen month old (with Down Syndrome, no less) and yet if it was just me I'd probably give her a dollar at most.' This made me feel pretty bad about myself, you know, that I don't trust a woman in need. Almost immediately after the woman left and I felt guilty, the boyfriend suddenly had a memory of a friend who lives more north than us having fallen for a similar 'baby had a seizure, I need money for the medicine' scam'.
So the boyfriend followed the lady, Theresa Franklin was her 'name' and caught up with her. He politely asked her for his money back and she told him that she gave it to 'the random guy over there' and he was going to go get the medicine for her.
Okay okay. Basically the boyfriend and the houseguest-and in a sense myself-were scammed, fleeced and hoodwinked and in the worst way possible--right after they woke up and in a place one assumes is safe from the mad, crazy, mixed up world.
It's not even nine in the morning.

This whole time I was thinking something to the effect of, 'that's so good that the boyfriend and houseguest aren't skeptical, I mean this is about a thirteen month old (with Down Syndrome, no less) and yet if it was just me I'd probably give her a dollar at most.' This made me feel pretty bad about myself, you know, that I don't trust a woman in need. Almost immediately after the woman left and I felt guilty, the boyfriend suddenly had a memory of a friend who lives more north than us having fallen for a similar 'baby had a seizure, I need money for the medicine' scam'.
So the boyfriend followed the lady, Theresa Franklin was her 'name' and caught up with her. He politely asked her for his money back and she told him that she gave it to 'the random guy over there' and he was going to go get the medicine for her.
Okay okay. Basically the boyfriend and the houseguest-and in a sense myself-were scammed, fleeced and hoodwinked and in the worst way possible--right after they woke up and in a place one assumes is safe from the mad, crazy, mixed up world.
It's not even nine in the morning.
Everything But The
Some other day in the past week I had this monstrosity...very much a everything but the kitchen sink kind of luncy. Beans, rice, smoked turkey, bacon, avacados, cheese and something else but I forget what.

Friday, April 28, 2006
The Boyfriend Is, In Fact, My Hero
This is a quick posty post brought to you by the brilliance of the boyfriend...he got a new camera cord, you see...he's also just brilliant. So below is a picture of the cactus (in profile) that attacked my foot a little less than a week ago.
This is a close up of the spikes...there were six of these spikes in my left foot...I mean whole spikes, sticking out, precariously and painfully. The boyfriend, as I mentioned, pulled all these spikes out...but the bottoms were a little (read a lot) reluctant to vacate my foot flesh.
Then, two days ago, the boyfriend pulled this sucker out of my foot. I will gladly admit to how proud I am of this picture and use of penny as a comparison....I mean, it's a big friggin cactus spike...and I walked around with that guy in my foot for five days!
I've also eaten many a meal since the camera problems started. But I'm going to save them for later.

The Boyfriend,
They Said It Was Okay

I like how the new baby boy seems to almost be the same size as his big sister. Man I wish I had a camera that worked.
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
My Camera Doesn't Work
So, the camera computer saga continues...it seems it's more about the usb cord than anything I've actually done (whew). Today I walked to Staples to get a new cord and I did, in fact, get a new cord. But upon returning home I came to the sudden, and quite sad, realization that the cord was not going to fit into the camera. So. Because of that I can't show you photographs of the barbequed chicken I made from scratch, nor can I make a Chicagoist post about said chicken. I also cannot show you pictures of the cactus spike the boyfriend pulled out of my foot this morning nor the lunch we ate after going to the MCA yesterday. All in all, very frustrating. So instead I googled "My Camera Doesn't Work" and these are the images I came up with...the top four in order, actually. Some day soon things will turn around. Until then, enjoy these random people's snap shots.

Happy premise #3: Even though I feel like I might ignite, I probably won't.

Oh my goodness. If you have seen this movie but kind of forget how funny it is, go watch it, you won't be disappointed. And if you've managed to go through life without seeing this movie it's time to change that.
I mean I laughed just thinking about what was coming up and then I laughed harder when the scene actually happened.
Best movie ever? No, but still worth viewing.
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Craving Crab

Something Is Amiss
Since Sunday the camera has not wanted to behave. It refuses to transfer photographs to the computer. In fact, the camera refuses to acknowledge the existence of the computer whatsoever. This, as you can imagine, troubles me greatly. I haphazardly attempted something to fix it yesterday but frankly I just want to whine at the camera until it fixes itself.
I have, in the last week, started- but not in true earnesty- three different books, two of which I have read before but a long time back. These books are Their Eyes Were Watching God, The Great Gatsby and Skinny Legs and All. I also, a while back, finished reading Henry Green's Loving and may be stuck in the middle of his Living for a long time to come.
So, no books completed and no meals to be shown. So sad.
I have, in the last week, started- but not in true earnesty- three different books, two of which I have read before but a long time back. These books are Their Eyes Were Watching God, The Great Gatsby and Skinny Legs and All. I also, a while back, finished reading Henry Green's Loving and may be stuck in the middle of his Living for a long time to come.
So, no books completed and no meals to be shown. So sad.
Monday, April 24, 2006
Ch Ch Ch Changes

Sunday, April 23, 2006
Pizza Pizza

I have cactus things in my foot and I am trying to upload the images of the cactus in question but the camera/computer is having some problems with this. So, yeah.
Good As Good As Sushi Is Good
After returning home from our nesting table adventure the boyfriend and I headed out to House of Sushi and Noodles. The boyfriend was quite pleased with my uncoerced decision to walk the 2.5 miles to get there. It was a lovely walk down Ashland. One should never forget how different a street is when you're actually walking it as opposed to driving by it. We saw some dogs, a house that would be amazing if it was fixed up and painted, random tulips (the tulips are everywhere and I love it love it love it) and eventually we saw Mecca and by Mecca I mean the House of Sushi and Noodles.
As always we ordered the buffet that starts with green bean tempura and a cup of miso soup. This time around there were also some sweet potato tempura pieces along with the green bean and they were a nice surprise.
We went with two rounds of four rolls and then one abbreviated round of two...then I fell over into a dead sushi induced coma. House of Sushi and Noodles is good for lots of sushi cheap but the actual quality of the sushi is still a little suspect in my mind. I'm trying to figure out if this is because it's buffet style and I'm a snob or if I actually can discern really great sushi from just so-so sushi. It may be the former but it could, potentially, be the latter.

A Jaunt To The Center
Yesterday's Gone

Saturday, April 22, 2006
Non Beer Bellying Boyfriend
Salad Is As Salad Does

Candy Mountain

The boyfriend is reading my blog and pointing out all the places where I left out words. My bad.
Don't Know Much
Wednesday, April 19, 2006

She carries too much baggage. I'm pretty sure she's not talking about emotional issues left over from her divorce. Could be wrong.
Back A Little
So on Friday night I came up with a brilliant plan for the following day. It went a little something like this: wake up, eat something, buy eggs and dye kits, rent four movies, walk to the lake, dye eggs and then watch the movies. A friend came along, bringing 18 additional eggs and an artistic spirit. I wish I had taken more closeups of her eggs because they were very pretty. But I didn't. You can check out the eggs we did dye at the Chicagoist this is the same piece I linked to earlier, so if you've already seen it don't think it's anything new.
We started with Prime starring Meryl Streep, Uma Thurman and a very attractive young man whose name really doesn't matter all that much. It was kind of funny. We took bets on how it would end and I bet for the wrong outcome, which was surprising because I usually know exactly how movies like this are going to go.
Then we started watching Love, Ludlow. This starred the first Becky from Roseanne, Steve from Sex and The City, and that guy with the lisp from Welcome To The Dollhouse. This movie was adapted from a play. It was adapted by the original playwright and you could feel his inability to adjust to the screen format in almost every scene. Tells the story of a hardboiled girl from Queens and her mentally unstable (though we never get to know what his actual diagnosis is) and a quiet business guy who wants to date the girl. It was rough going, watching this movie. And there's a whole lot of drama stuffed into a very very short time period (like three, maybe four, days). I wish I could say 'well in the end I'm glad I saw it' but that's not completely true.
A little ways into Love, Ludlow the friend decided it was time to leave (I don't blame her the movie was hard to take and there a party). We ended up stopping the movie festival after Love, Ludlow. But we started back up after breakfast on Sunday with Dear Wendy. Dear Wendy is written by Lars Von Trier and stars a lot of rising youth starlet types. A movie about America's obsession and paradoxical relationship with guns made in Germany and written by and directed by Danes. I liked it but at some point I kind of stopped liking it. It's very, um, allegorical?
And finally we watched It Happened One Night. And it was good. Clark Gable's pretty handsome. I couldn't help noticing how both of the stars were attractive and yet their bodies don't correspond to our current Hollywood stars--Brad Pitt/George Clooney, Nicole Kidman/Charlize Theron. Our stars are skinnier and don't seem to have any soft parts.
We started with Prime starring Meryl Streep, Uma Thurman and a very attractive young man whose name really doesn't matter all that much. It was kind of funny. We took bets on how it would end and I bet for the wrong outcome, which was surprising because I usually know exactly how movies like this are going to go.


Olé Olé! è?
So this weekend, some activities were had. Now I've completely messed up chronological order and that bothers me. You see I love things to be choronological and, if possible, alphabetical. When I was younger I loved to alphabetize not only my CDs but the CDs of my friends as well. All the photographs/snap shots I have are chronological and when they're not I really really notice it and dislike it. Whatever this has nothing to do with the photographs below. So I'll just focus on them. On Sunday my cousin, the boyfriend and I were trying to decide what to do for dinner. We each wrote our idea on a slip of paper (see right here is where the chronological thing comes into play because the method we used to choose our meal was also the method we used the day before to watch movies and-this doesn't matter), I actually couldn't come up with an idea so my cousin gave me one (Mexican, Margaritas). Once all our slips were written we placed them on the floor and encouraged Meow Cat to choose where we would go, she chose Mexican.
I couldn't think of a Mexican restaurant in our neighborhood that also had margaritas. So we ended up going to Olé Olé, a more upscale version of latin american cuisine. But once we saw the menu we began to wonder...the boyfriend had been looking forward to a burrito, I had been thinking about enchiladas, my cousin had been thinking something that wasn't exactly on the Olé menu. But they did have margaritas. So we ordered margaritas and two appetizers, the vegetarian empanadas and ham croquettes.

The empanadas were pretty gosh durn good. The ham croquettes were good but a little too finely mashed on the inside.

Monday, April 17, 2006
Easter Breakfast #2

Dim Sum c/o Furama Part 22

You'll never guess what happened to this egg after we dyed it pink.

I just spent a considerable amount of time working on my Chicagoist post. So you should go read it...and if you see any typos don't think less of me.

I just spent a considerable amount of time working on my Chicagoist post. So you should go read it...and if you see any typos don't think less of me.
Sunday, April 16, 2006
Oh my goodness! I've had 9,999 people read/see briefly my blog! Who's going to be the 10,000???
Leave a comment! Tell me how honored you feel to be the 10,000th!
Leave a comment! Tell me how honored you feel to be the 10,000th!
Pizza c/o Giarodnaoango's

I am not quite up to writing a post about it yet because I am sleepy. I am also getting ready for dim sum. All to say, look at this pizza we ate last night and think about all the things you'll get to read later!
Lake Cake

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