Last night we went to Gamekeepers and met up with a gaggle of friends to watch the first game of the world series (should I capitalize 'world series'?). Many pitchers of Miller Lite, mild chicken wings, jalapeno poppers, chicken strips and onion rings were consumed.

I had a lot riding on this game, specifically two orange tic tacs for the White Sox against two gel mint breath things. The White Sox won and I got to experience intense minty breath in a liquidy bubble the size of a baby pearl. I am, in reality, rather impartial as to who I want to win. I have a feeling it will be the Astros...but then I also have a feeling it's going to be the White Sox. Guess I'll just have to wait and find out. Either way, very good game and time had by all.

This is my second visit to Gamekeepers. It was far more crowded for the World Series than it had been the first time around. Josh Groban sang the National Anthem and I thought him a tool. Liz Phair sang a song too but I couldn't figure out what it was too loud...and probably better that way.

This is a picture of me crunched in a corner...tilt your head to the right for the full effect (blogger still hasn't fixed this very annoying problem of not allowing me vertical images...bastards).

After the game we went to another bar full of men wearing dress shirts, baseball caps and jeans and women wearing tight pants and plunging necklines. I danced ironically and forgot our umbrella. I also made a bad decision about which way to get to the subway and so the boyfriend and I ended up walking far far far out of our way (up Lincoln and then many blocks over on Belmont) before finally getting on a train.
Memorable quote on the train (the boyfriend and I couldn't help but laugh outloud...I really wanted to point, but I didn't):
Boy 1 to Boys 2 & 3:
"Dude, I'm never playing flippy cup again. Those girls were in the flippy cup olympics."
Maybe you had to be there?